LT2 Round 2
Analytical Services, Inc. (ASI) is fully approved by the USEPA for LT2 Round 2 and is uniquely positioned to meet your compliance monitoring needs.
ASI Qualifications:
- NELAP Accredited, EPA Method 1623.1
- USEPA Approved LT2 Round 2 Laboratory
- Analyzed samples for more than 400 PWS locations for LT2 Round 1&2
- Processed more than 20,000 samples for LT2 compliance.
Please click HERE for a full list of certifications.
LT2 Round 2 Frequently Asked Questions:
Why should I start testing as early as possible?
- For sites that opt to test in 2014 we are offering our Easy-Vol sample collection system at no additional cost. Sites that start early are also eligible for prices based on our current inventory rates. Ultimately, earlier testing leads to earlier Bin Classifications which allows more time to negotiate capital expenditures necessary to meet required treatment levels specified under LT2 regulations.
When can I start sampling for Round 2?
- Public Water Suppliers (PWSs) can begin sampling 6 years after completion of Round 1 testing.
Where do I get approval to start Round 2?
- PWSs must submit their proposed sampling schedule to their state water authorities 3 months prior to the proposed sampling start date. ASI will help you establish a sampling schedule that meets your needs and LT2 requirements.
How do I collect samples for testing?
- ASI clients may opt to either field filter or collect 10L grab samples. ASI offers our Easy-Vol system to provide the easiest method possible for field filtering. Our Easy-Vol system eliminates the need for flow-totalizers, pressure regulators and valves, and saves time and money.
What are the recommended shipping procedures?
- ASI has customized shipping containers and handling instructions to simplify and optimize transport of you LT2 samples. We have tested shipping containers and packing materials under extreme conditions to help ensure LT2 temperature requirements are met.