USEPA Method 1623.1
(Detection and enumeration of Cryptosporidium and Giardia)
Analytical Services, Inc. (ASI) has provided EPA Method 1623/1623.1 analyses for more than 400 clients since 1999 and has been providing Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2)-compliant data since 2001. ASI has substantial analytical capacity, and has processed more than 400 samples per month by Method 1623.
LT2 Approved - ASI is an USEPA-approved laboratory for Cryptosporidium enumeration for LT2 Round 2 through Primary NELAC accreditation for Methods 1623.1 from NH-ELAP, and was also EPA Approved for LT2 Rounds 1 and 2.
ASI also holds accreditation from other NELAP states for EPA Method 1623.1 (and other parameters) in various matrices, please see “Certifications” for details.
EPA Method 1623.1 - Method 1623.1 (EPA 816-R-12-001, Jan. 2012) is a relatively minor modification to Method 1623, which is intended to aid recovery of protozoa from challenging water matrices. Method 1623.1 incorporates a sodium hexametaphosphate rinse into the elution step and an extra pellet wash into the immunomagnetic separation procedure (in addition to other administrative changes); sample collection and submission protocols remain unchanged.
For more information, please click HERE for ASI’s technical document regarding EPA Method 1623.1 or contact our Clients Services team.