

Analytical Services, Inc. (ASI) routinely analyses biosolids samples for compliance with federal (40 CFR Part 503) and state regulations regarding land application of biosolids.  We have analyzed more than 1,500 biosolids samples from clients in 25 states and we are ready to help you.

The 40 CRF Part 503 microbiological parameters and methods are shown below.

Enteric Viruses ASTM D4994-89, A&B
Fecal Coliform EPA 1680 (MPN)
Salmonella EPA 1682
Total Solids SM 2540G
Viable Helminth Ova Yanko, 1987/EPA600/1-87-014

In addition, ASI analyzes non-compliance biosolids samples for clients throughout the U.S., for their internal data, process monitoring and special projects.  Typically, these non-compliance projects have included Cryptosporidium and Giardia, coliphage and other organisms. 

Please contact ASI for additional information regarding our biosolids testing services.