Routine Testing for Legionella - CDC Toolkit Guidance
The latest version of the CDC's Toolkit for Controlling Legionella in Common Sources of Exposure (Legionella Control Toolkit), Jan. 13, 2021, includes a section titled "Rountine Testing for Legionella".
The document states that testing objectives may include:
- Establishing a baseline measurement for performance indicators
- Validating a Water Management Plan
- Evaluating ppotential growth and transmission sources
- Confirming success or failure of remedial treaatment
- Investigating potential sources of environmental exposure for ersons with disease.
Sections of the document include:
- Sample Collection
- Test Methods and Laboratory Considerations
- Rest Results for Water Management Plan Perfornace
- Suggested Response Activities
- Resources
Please see the CDC website at: Toolkit for Control of Legionella in Common Sources of Exposure | CDC